March 4, 2009

Origami Pillows from Urban Outfitters

Love these: Origami Pigeon Pillow and Origami Squares Pillow. Both from Urban Outfitters.


ANNA said...

wow, they are very beautyful, reminds me of a throw i saw at habitat last weekend.. i really love this origami style!

Maaret said...

Indeed, that throw looks similar. It's really beautiful, too. Thank you for the link!

sophie said...

hi maaret - your blog is great! i posted you on my blog.
should i write in german...
lieben gruß, sophie

Maaret said...

Thank you so much, Sophie. That is too cute.
I would love to comment on your blog, but the word-verification does not load. I had that problem with my blog, too. So I changed the settings, that there opens this pop-up. And now the word verification works.

ANNA said...

:) ich dummi seh jetzt erst, dass wir in der selben stadt bloggen!...das freut mich aber! dann sag ich jetzt auch officially dass dein blog ganz toll ist und ich oft vorbeischaue :) lieben gruß, anna

Maaret said...

Anna: Danke für das liebe Kompliment!

malo said...

Lovely! Origami in every form captures me.